
I was recently told (again) to "just do it", so I decided to finally start with my very own blog. As the title so aptly puts it: it's about time...

The content will primarily be technical posts about Azure and .NET. Two subjects of which I certainly don't know everything, but still hope I can inform, entertain and maybe even teach someone something about. Fitting because this blog is hosted on Azure and built with ASP.NET Core. It also fits with me joining Microsoft on March 1st as a Cloud Solution Architect.

Perhaps I should start with explaining a bit about the name of this blog. My last name is Baaij. Although this is sometimes a bit hard to pronounce for my non-dutch origin readers (if any), it is actually quite easy. Just take one part of "bye bye" and that's it. As this blog is about programming and computers, I took one of IT's fundamental building blocks and bended the spelling a bit:

Baaijte [b?t]
NOUN computing

A group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit. Compare with bit. A baaijte considered as a unit of memory (size).

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again soon.


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