Okay, I did not expect us to publish another new version before the summer holiday, but yet here we are. The amount of changes, additions, enhancements and fixes was too big to leave it lying around till later. Read on to find out about the most prominent highlights of this release. And enjoy the summer. I know I will!

Just in time for the X-mas holiday/year-end break, we are happy to deliver you the 4.2 version of the Fluent UI Blazor library with shiny new toys to play and tinker with. In the box you'll find a new Fluent Theme component, a Tree-state checkbox and a dash of responsiveness for the templates, to name a few. Read on for all the details.

If you have read Part 1 of this, you might have wondered why it had such a rather abrupt end and did not show the end result in an actual map. I wasn't deliberately building in a cliff-hanger, but was having some issues with displaying the map. Read on to find out how this was solved.